The importance of proper hydration

Name any recent health trend —brain hacks, new hormone tests, the latest time efficient exercise protocol…..nothing trumps hydration.
Why? Because every single cell in your body relies on hydration to function. In fact, every single cell in your body has a sodium-potassium pump which is beautifully designed to tightly regulate levels of sodium and potassium inside and outside the cell. If this isn’t a dead giveaway of the critical importance of hydration I don’t know what is!
Hydration Isn’t Just About Water
We often overlook the fact that proper hydration requires more than just water. Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are essential to maintain fluid balance within your cells. With this in mind, go revisit the most popular health trends and ask yourself, will these make a difference if I ignore hydration? Ensuring your body has sufficient electrolytes for hydration cannot be overlooked.
The Return of ATP Labs EXL – Your Ultimate Hydration Solution
We’ve added potassium-rich coconut water to boost its electrolyte content.
Why coconut water? It's a naturally rich source of electrolytes—especially potassium (2019 mg/kg), along with vitamins and proteins. It’s one of the most widely consumed and beneficial natural liquids on the planet. And the best part? There’s still no added sugar.
Why avoid sugar? Because rates of sugar consumption are already through the roof, with many Canadians consuming over 100g of sugar per day. Besides, sugar isn't necessary for hydration anyways, so why add it?
The Takeaway
You can get excited about the latest health trends and innovations, but don’t forget about the basics that are likely more important than any new fad. Staying properly hydrated with the right balance of electrolytes will keep your body functioning at its best.