Don't get caught in fad diets

We’ve all seen those flashy weight loss ads that promise quick fixes, especially around the New Year. The problem is there’s no such thing as a quick fix without side effects.
One common feature of these “quick fixes” is the recommendation for more caffeine (since caffeine does have a fat metabolism effect).
Here’s the problem.
When you’re constantly pumping your body with caffeine and stimulants, you may experience chronic cortisol elevation. While cortisol is important in small doses (it increases your heart rate, mobilizes stored energy, and basically “pumps you up” for workouts), chronic elevations lead to:
- Muscle catabolism (which will also make fat loss harder because it slows your resting metabolic rate)
- Metabolic dysregulation - because cortisol mobilizes energy (glucose) but if it’s always high then glucose is always high as well
- Water retention/puffiness - because cortisol increases aldosterone and vasopressin
- And more….
People have plenty of “cortisol stimulants” in their life already: energy drinks, pre workouts, lack of sleep, and stressful jobs, which is why we’ve taken a different - non-stimulatory approach - to fat loss with ATP Labs Synerslim.
Why Synerslim is Different
Targets Blood Glucose Regulation & Lipid Metabolism: Balancing blood sugar and fat metabolism is key for long-term fat loss and energy management.
Supports Healthy Hunger Signaling: Synerslim helps to control appetite with ingredients shown to support leptin signalling - a hormone that tells your brain that you don’t need to consume any more energy.
Improves Micronutrient Status: Micronutrients like iodine and chromium are critical for metabolic health but often overlooked and/or deficient.
Two New Ingredients
Synerslim is a reformulation of ATP Labs’ Adiposlim:
Calorie Burn (Grains of Paradise): Importantly, grains of paradise are grain-free, and are derived from the ginger family. Calorie Burn/Grains of Paradise promote a 5x increase in calories burned for 2 hours after ingestion, compared to placebo.
- Iodine: Did you know that 68% of the population has inadequate intake of iodine? We’ve added iodine to Synerslim because it’s required to convert the thyroid hormone T4 into the active thyroid hormone T3, which directly impacts your metabolism. When thyroid hormone is low (as seen in hypothyroidism, for instance) losing weight is extremely difficult.
Sustainable Results With No Stimulants
Stimulant-based products may provide short-term weight loss results but once they are discontinued those results are likely to reverse. Plus, prolonged use can interfere with your hormones, particularly cortisol, and your circadian rhythm.
ATP Labs Synerslim is not a quick fix, but it is an intelligent supplement which improves metabolic health - a requirement for optimal/long term health!